Why invest in Pro:Idiom technology?

Many content providers require Pro:Idiom in order for the guest rooms to receive a High Definition (HD) Signal – and a hotel television signal encrypted with Pro:Idiom requires a HD TV that can decrypt that signal. The simplest explanation is that Pro:Idiom is a patented technology that allows the protection of encrypted HD and SD video and music over cable, satellite, or video on-demand services. To protect copyrighted content, encryption is required from head-end to the television, and Pro:Idiom satisfies this need.

AdcommTV offers both Pro:Idiom TVs and non-Pro:Idiom commercial TV solutions with Samsung and LG cutting-edge technology to provide your guests with the best HD in-room content. Non-Pro:Idiom TVs may also be a viable option. We can help to ensure you make the best possible investment choice.

Technology-savvy hotel guests expect a seamless, secure television experience. We are committed to offering a selection of televisions to meet each hotel’s specific needs. If your property is about to upgrade TVs or switch content providers, it is very important to check the requirements needed to deliver your hotel’s in-room entertainment.

AdcommTV can help you if you have questions about:

• The differences between hospitality, commercial-grade, and consumer televisions.
• Warranties (Yes, they are important. In fact, hospitality-grade televisions come with 2-year warranties while consumer-grade televisions usually come with a 90-day warranty, which is voided in a commercial setting).
• Security and Maintenance issues
• Hotel Franchise brand requirements
• Samsung Smart TV platforms
• Samsung LYNK REACH Content Management Solutions
• Hospitality Value Series LEDs
• LG Pro:Centric Hospitality LED TVs with Integrated Pro:Idiom

Guests expect a high-definition television and the same ease of connectivity they have at home. We also provide streaming solutions, which allows guests to play their content seamlessly on in-room hospitality TVs. AdcommTV is happy to work with you to make sure you make the right investment in your hotel, and more importantly, the right investment to keep your hotel guests happy and satisfied.

For more information about AdcommTV’s commercial TV displays, please email us at [email protected] or contact our call center at 866-272-7982.


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EveryHotelierShouldAskAboutIn roomGuestTVsPDF